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Famous Pirates

Famous pirates have peaked many people's interest over the past several years. Many of the famous pirates that people commonly know are fictional such as Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Hook or Long John Silver.


Pirate John Paul Jones

But, the real famous pirates are even more interesting to those who have studied piracy outside of the software field. Yes, matey, the real famous pirates were the true scallywags who sailed the ocean blue, looking for merchant ships and other vessels to board for the sake of looting, pillaging and plundering, Oh my!

These early Pillage People of the YMCA Sailing Club were not so friendly to other seafaring, god-fearing types. The most famous pirates of all time would slip upon the other ships quickly, fire their large arsenals of weapons, board the other vessels and overwhelm the other crew with their exceedingly large pirate crew (and perhaps even give them a crew cut).

Some of the most famous pirates of all time include Black Bart, who is no relation to that Simpson kid, Captain Thomas Paine, who was not related to one of the founding fathers of our country (but quite a pain to other seafaring captains) and Captain Jack Rackam, who invented the cheer, "Rickam, Rackam, Rackam, Ruckum, take that sword and really - fight!"

Some other famous pirates include Captain William Kidd or Billy the Kidd as he would later be called when he started robbing banks out West. Red Beard was another famous pirate who's real name was Barbarossa or Vinny to his friends. Captain George Booth struck fear into the hearts of all who hailed upon the seas and especially President Lincoln who liked to watch plays aboard large galleons anchored off of Washington D. C. with his wife, Tammy.

Blackbeard was formerly known as Edward Teach and liked to teach the other ship's captains and crews a lesson in seamanship. Captain Lawrence Prince was anything but a prince when he was on the open waters, prancing about talking about how he was an artist formerly known as &$@*! And, then there was Anne Bonny who was one of the few women pirates down through history and was taking her revenge out on all men who had wronged her in the past including one episode that happened in adolescence involving a strange "goat kissing" incident.

So, it's easy to see that the famous pirates (not of Penzance nor the ones chasing pennants) lived colorful lives while looting, pillaging and plundering the common folk upon the lawless seas. Of course, they did not obey their seas and desist orders one bit which is why the famous pirates were regarded as outlaws, criminals and overall rude characters. This is also why we all love them so much!


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